Customer Invoice Explained
  • 27 Aug 2024
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Customer Invoice Explained

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Article summary

Customer Invoice Explained

This document will cover what is on a BridgeLink customer’s invoice, and what it all means.

BridgeLink Bill Explanation: (click this image below to see an enlarged version)

Reference Image Above:

  1. This is the invoice reference number.

  1. The date of service activation. This is when the technician will be visiting, or when we have scheduled their self-install to occur.

  1. This is the timeframe in which the technician is scheduled to visit their home/business.

  1. This is the Internet service speed the customer is currently signed up for. Any upgrades or downgrades that occurred within this pay period will be reflected on the next invoice.

  1. Wi-Fi Routers refers to the Eero devices in their home. They are leased to the customer for $7.99 per Eero per month. This will include the gateway and any extenders they have.

  1. The tax rate is only assessed on the leased equipment and will vary based on the number of devices and the location of the customer. BridgeLink does not dictate the amount and has no control over these charges.

  1. This reflects the sum of charges on this invoice. All customers are setup with pre-paid services. So all customers pay upfront for the next month of service.

  1. This is the time period in which the invoice covers.

  1. This is when a payment was submitted to BridgeLink.

  1. This is difference between “payment processed” and “total current charges.”

  1. This is when the next billing cycle begins and a payment is required.

  1. The amount to be charged on the next billing cycle.

  1. All customers are required to setup automatic payments to BridgeLink. This is confirmation that the customer is setup already.

Activation Fees

  • These are a one-time fee charged at the time of initiating service.

  • These charges apply to both tech installations and self-installs.

Monthly Service Fees

  • These are the charges that recur monthly for the selected internet service.

Equipment Charges

  • All Wi-Fi routers provided by BridgeLink have a monthly recurring charge.


  • These are charges enforced by state or local government, which BridgeLink has no control over.

Repair Charges

  • This is the cost for services performed by a technician for service issues not related to the BridgeLink network or BridgeLink equipment.

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