How To Sign Up For Service
  • 13 Aug 2024
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How To Sign Up For Service

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Article summary

How To Sign Up For Service

Thank you for your interest in BridgeLink! We are excited to provide you with high-speed reliable internet service! Here are the steps you can take to get signed up for BridgeLink Internet:

1) Visit

2) In the top right corner click on “Check Availability”

3) Begin typing in your address. When a suggested address pops up, please select the appropriate service address.

4) Fill in your email address

5) Click the box next to “I’m not a robot,” and complete any Recaptcha tests that may or may not pop up.

6) Left click on the “Check” button

7) If the system tells you “Your location is eligible!” you should then select the “Order Now” button.

7.2) If the system states we do not currently provide you address with internet service, please click on “Notify Me When Service Is Available” and we will email you when we expand into your area.

8) Your browser will load our sign up questionnaire. These questions will help ensure that we understand your needs, and can recommend the best whole-home Wi-Fi solution for your home.

9) Please answer the questions, and fill out the forms. Each page will have a “Continue” button in the bottom right corner to move on to the next step.

It is possible to complete this process on your own online, but if you have questions/concerns/requests we are always happy to hear from you. Our Customer Care Team is located in Ohio. They can be reached at 1-866-725-9029.

Thank you for your business! We are excited to serve you and your loved one! See you soon!

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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